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Our Lifestyle Workshops cover a range of topics that are designed to give tools to lead a healthier and happier life. Healthy living is not just about how much physical exercise we do and the food we eat; it requires a good positive mental attitude and permanent lifestyle changes. Tackling stress and mental health issues can be the trigger to improving your overall health and wellbeing. Our Lifestyle Workshops will help individuals tap into their full potential and engage in positive healthy change.

Outcome: Changing minds, changing lives. Positive lifestyle changes increase productivity and performance.

• Resilience
• Healthy Lifestyle
• Five Ways to Wellbeing

The duration of each workshop is around 45-60 minutes and will cater to a group of about 15-25 employees, however, we are flexible and will tailor our workshops to suit your requirements.


What's included
• Marketing and Admin support
• invites, Posters, and Promotional Literature
• Booking system
• Supporting workshop literature and handouts
• Qs & As

Choose from
• Stress and Resilience Workshop
• Healthy Lifestyle Workshop
• Five Ways to Wellbeing Workshop
• Lifestyle Coaching Workshop
• Retirement Planning Workshop
• Upgrade to an online booking system
• Location and timescales

Stress and Resilience Workshop
The Stress and Resilience Workshop challenges some of our preconceptions about ourselves and other people. Participants will develop a greater understanding of stress and stress management, discuss what makes one person more resilient to another, and look at healthy and helpful coping strategies. 
• Understand the dynamics of stress
• A greater understanding of stress management
• What makes one person more resilient to another
• Healthy and helpful coping strategies.
• Develop greater resilience

Bring our team in to help you address a specific topic, or for a general day of healthy ideas.


Let’s get your team thinking about improving their health and well-being.

Are you interested in learning more information on a specific topic that is not listed?
Contact us at and share your suggestion today! 
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